Topic of the COST Action CA22167
- How can diverse groups of older adults be meaningfully involved to contribute their perspectives and experience (including those at risk of social exclusion) in participatory approaches to research, policy and practice development?
- How do participatory approaches with diverse older adults (including those at risk of social exclusion) impact research process and the quality of data gathered?
- How do participatory approaches impact those (academics and non-academics) involved in research (e.g., wellbeing, reciprocal learning, emancipation)?
Short-term Scientific Mission and Virtual Mobility
Short-Term Scientific Mission consists in a visit to a host organization located in a different country than the country of affiliation by a researcher or innovator for specific work to be carried out and for a determined period of time.
Virtual Mobility grant consists of a collaboration in an online setting among researchers or innovators within the COST Action, to exchange knowledge, learn new techniques, etc.
The following information is drawn from Annotated Rules for COST Actions(
Who can apply?
- STSMs and VM are intended for Young Researchers and Innovators as well as for the already established researchers;
- • In accordance with COST strategy, PAAR-net supports Young Researchers and Innovators (YRI, under the age of 40) affiliated in a legal entity in Inclusiveness Target Countries/ Near Neighbour Countries (ITC/NNC).
Amount of grants
- The financial support on offer is a contribution to the overall expenses incurred during the STSM and may not necessarily cover all of the associated outgoings. Financial support is limited to covering travel and subsistence expenses and is paid as a grant.
- During an STSM neither the MC, nor the COST Office nor the Grant Holder may be considered as an employer. Grantees must make their own arrangements for all health, social, personal security and pension matters.
- Grants are processed only after the STSM or VM has taken place and the reporting retirements have been satisfied and approved by the Grant awarding coordinator.
- A STSM grantee can be afforded up to a maximum of EUR 4000, Virtual mobility – up to EUR 1500;
- STSM activities must occur in their entirety within the dates specified in this call.
- For this Grant Period, the Management Committee of PAAR-net COST Action has allocated a total budget of EUR 18.000 for STSMs and EUR 10.000 for VM.
- The amounts granted for each individual STSM/VM will be determined during the evaluation process.
How to Apply
- The applicationshall be submitted online in e-COST using dedicated forms available. The application can be accessed by the holders of leadership positions and any evaluation committees in the Action for evaluation purposes.
- Applicants must upload their CV in their e-COST profile. This information will be visible to the holders of leadership positions and any evaluation committees in the Action for evaluation purposes.
To be filled in e-COST:
- Title
- Start and end date (within the active Grant Period)
- Budget requested by the applicant;
- Information about the host institution and contact person.
To be uploaded to e-COST:
- Application form (template available on e-COST) describing: Goals of the STSM/VM, description of the work to be carried out by the applicant, of the contribution to the Action MoU objectives and expected outcomes (peer-review journal articles, funding applications or practice and policy briefs);
- Confirmation of the host on the agreement from the host institution in receiving the applicant;
- Other documents required by the Action:
List of publications,
Work plan – should include objectives for visit, time-line and core tasks to be undertaken; expected outputs and deliverables (peer-review journal articles, funding applications or practice and policy briefs). Work plan should be structured with a particular research question in mind and with a view to developing work that will form the basis for a peer review publication.
- Written agreement letter from the host institution;
- Support letter from the home institution;
- Motivation letter, highlighting the importance of the mission for this COST Action, and for his/her own training and career.
The selection of applicants is based on the following criteria:
1. The fit between the Action and the scientific scope of the STSM application. The proposal must clearly complement the overall objectives of the Action (listed in the MOU of the Action found here
2. Applicants active and contributing to the COST action in a Work Group will be given priority.
3. YRI from ICT/NNC will be given priority over other applicants.
4. Applicant’s cv, and particularly his/her background (research interests; experience and publications in peer-reviewed journals) on the topic covered by the Action.
When to apply?
After the VM/STSM has taken place
The Grant Awarding coordinator will approve the final report and send the completion notice to the Grant Holder. The Grant Holder will then execute the payment of the grant directly to the grantee.Grant Awarding Coordinators
Dr. Gražina Rapolienė, Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences (g.rapolienė, and Prof. Andreas Motel-Klingebiel, Linköping University ([email protected])