Vilnius, Lithuania – March, 31st – April, 02nd, 2025
We are pleased to announce the second PAAR-net Training School for Young Researchers and Innovators, which will take place from March 31 – April 2, 2025 at Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania.
The topic of our Training School is Participatory Co-creation Methods. Training School 2 of PAAR-net will discuss approaches for exploring how participatory co-creation processes are developed and implemented. “Participatory co-creation” refers to involving older adults in creating research, projects, policies, or products, ensuring their voices and perspectives are included and are acted upon.
The training will introduce tools, techniques and frameworks, which can involve research techniques, case studies, or practical exercises. Overall, the goal is to enhance skills in facilitating collaboration and understanding how to engage diverse older adult participants effectively.
Application and Eligibility
Training Schools are mainly aimed at PhD students or post-doctoral researchers, employed by or officially affiliated to an institution or legal entity (public or private, as Home Institution). • In accordance with COST strategy, PAAR-net supports Young Researchers and Innovators (YRI, under the age of 40) affiliated in a legal entity in Inclusiveness Target Countries/ Near Neighbour Countries (ITC/NNC). Nevertheless, more senior academics, researchers and policy-makers may also apply. Priority will be given to YRIs.
Financial Support
There are 20 grants available, each up to 1200 Euros, to support travel and participation costs.
For more details and to apply…