PAAR-Net Cost Action 22167

Training School

March 31st – April 2nd, 2025
Vilnius (Lithuania)

Training School on Participatory Co-creation Methods

We are pleased to announce the second PAAR-net Training School for Young Researchers and Innovators, which will take place from March 31 – April 2, 2025 at Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania.

The topic of our Training School is Participatory Co-creation Methods. Training School 2 of PAAR-net will discuss approaches for exploring how participatory co-creation processes are developed and implemented. “Participatory co-creation” refers to involving older adults in creating research, projects, policies, or products, ensuring their voices and perspectives are included and are acted upon.

The training will introduce tools, techniques and frameworks, which can involve research techniques, case studies, or practical exercises. Overall, the goal is to enhance skills in facilitating collaboration and understanding how to engage diverse older adult participants effectively.

COST-Action Participatory Approaches with Older Adults
This Training School is part of the COST Action PAARNet which aims to further develop participatory approaches with older adults as a means of driving inclusive social innovation across research, policy, and practice, for heterogenous and fair ageing societies.

PAAR-net aims to gather, exchange and advance knowledge on participatory approaches with older adults (including those at risk of social exclusion) by asking the following questions:

  1. How can diverse groups of older adults be meaningfully involved to contribute their perspectives and experience (including those at risk of social exclusion) in participatory approaches to research, policy and practice development?
  2. How do participatory approaches with diverse older adults (including those at risk of social exclusion) impact research process and the quality of data gathered?
  3. How do participatory approaches impact those (academics and non-academics) involved in research (e.g., wellbeing, reciprocal learning, emancipation)?

Preliminary Programme of the Training School

Day1: Monday 31.03.2025 – Introduction and practices
10:00-11:00Introduction to participatory approaches: what and why to use them?Dr hab. Anna Urbaniak, Chair of PAAR-net, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
11:00-11:30Harnessing generational wisdom for climate change solutions: Sharing practices from cocreation and participatory social researchDr Audronė Telešienė, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
11:30-12:00Citizen Science: Ecosystem perspectiveDr Eglė Butkevičienė, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
12:00-12:45Co-Design for Cognitive Health: Engaging older adults in the co-creation of assistive technology for maintaining brain health as we ageDr Dympna O’Sullivan, Technological University Dublin, Ireland
12:45-14:15Lunch break 
14:15-15:00Introduction to participatory approaches with older adults in mental health policy 

Exercise in groups. 3 themes: participatory approaches in public health, climate change and technology

–              Task: prepare a participatory approach session with older adults on one of the four themes

–              Plenary reports

16:00-16:30Coffee break 
16:30-17:30Introduction and interactive exercises in applying participatory approaches in developing self-learning materials with older adults: AFECO – Empowering older adults to apply affordable age- and eco-friendly solutions to age-in-placeWilleke van Staalduinen, AFEdemy, The Netherlands
19:00Social dinner 
Day 2: 01.04.2025 – Participatory approaches in depth
Time Content Organiser/Speaker
   9:30-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:45 What motivates older adults to engage in participatory approaches and stay involved over time? Dr. Krzystof Klincewicz, University of Warsaw, Poland
10:45-11:30 Ethical aspects when applying participatory approach with older adults Dr. Inga Gaižauskaitė, Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences, Lithuania
11:30-12:00 [Research carried out during STSM]
12:00-12:30 Enhancing the digital literacy and participation of older adults: DigitalScouts Jana Eckert, ISIS, Germany
12:30-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-15:00 Interactive introduction and exercises of participatory approaches with informal caregivers – YoungCare Erasmus+ Ines Saavedra, SHINE 2Europe, Portugal
15:00-16:30 Exercise in groups on working with older adults in participatory approaches – Finding them, involving vulnerable groups, introductions, explanations, settings, follow-up with the results, information – Plenary reports
Day 3: 02.04.2025 – PAAR-net experience
10:00-12:00Working Group meetings – learning what PAAR-net is currently working on in domains of: health, care & support, community & place, technology & innovation, knowledge synthesisTeraza Mensikova WG1
Rogerio Ribeiro WG3;
Davide Lucatoni WG4
12:00-13:30Lunch break 
13:30-15:30World Café session:
“Research beyond boundaries: Technology and Innovation in multidisciplinary and intergenerational contexts across 5 focus areas”
Teraza Mensikova WG1
Rogerio Ribeiro WG3;
Davide Lucatoni WG4
15:30-16:00Coffee break 
16:00-17:30Young Researchers and Innovators’ Forum – Experiences from PAAR-netBarbora Čakovská;
Katrin Lehner
17:30-18:00Wrap-up and evaluation 

Who can apply?

  • Training Schools are mainly aimed at PhD students or post-doctoral researchers, employed by or officially affiliated to an institution or legal entity (public or private, as Home Institution); 
  • In accordance with COST strategy, PAAR-net supports Young Researchers and Innovators (YRI, under the age of 40) affiliated in a legal entity in Inclusiveness Target Countries/ Near Neighbour Countries (ITC/NNC). Nevertheless, more senior academics, researchers and policy-makers may also apply. Priority will be given to YRIs. See the COST Annotated Rules for details: 

Eligibility for financial support: 

  1. Trainees from COST member countries; 
  2. Trainees from approved NNC (near neighbour countries) institutions; 
  3. Trainees from approved European RTD Organisations. 

Financial support for trainees 

Successful applicants may be eligible to apply for financial support through the COST Action. There are 20 grants available for trainees. Grants will be awarded according to COST Annotated Rules, not exceeding 1200 Euros per person. This amount includes travel reimbursement and a daily allowance for maximum four days. 

Please note that trainee grants do not necessarily cover all expenses related to attending the Training School. The Trainee Grant is a contribution to the overall travel, accommodation and meal expenses of the Grantee. 

Trainees who are self-funded are also welcome to apply to attend the Training School. Prior to the Training School, all Trainees must register on e-COST. 

Language skills 

Unless otherwise indicated, all the modules will take place in English. The ability to speak, read and write fluently in this language is a requirement for participation. 

How to apply 

You are kindly invited to complete the following application form and to provide the requested documents and arguments in favour of your application.

Please note: At the end of the form, you will be asked to attach separate documents: your CV including publications, a 1-page synopsis of your research topic and a 1-page description of the motivations in relation to the PAAR-net COST Action Training School including your expected learning outcome that is relevant for the further research.

Participation in all COST Training schools is subject to a selective application process. Selection is based on those applications that most clearly correspond to the overall objectives of COST Action CA22167 and to the content of this Training School.

Submission Deadline:

20.01.2025 (midnight GMT). 

Grant Awarding Coordinator and local organizer

Gražina Rapolienė, Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences, Email: [email protected]. 

 Notification of the results will be sent by 31.01.2025.

Successful applicants will receive information on workshop details and local arrangements including accommodation.



COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

COST Action CA22167

There is a significant international commitment to give non-academics a greater role in science to help deliver impactful research and realise the European vision of science for the people, by the people. To support this commitment, the PAAR-net COST Action focuses on knowledge co-production, labelled here as participatory approaches, in research, policymaking and practice. 

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